September 27, 2012


A match made in heaven!

Regardless of the style of yoga practice you prefer, I have found that a predominetly raw food lifestyle and yoga are a perfect complement to one another.  The union of these two are unlike anything else.  

I often enjoy some fresh coconut water before my yoga practice, and I like to end my practice with a low-glycemic green juice for hydration.  It makes me feel like I'm floating of clouds once I'm done!

Yoga in Sanskrit translates to “union”.  The practice is designed to unite breath and posture, which in turn creates unity and balance in mind, body and spirit.  Yoga, of course, also increases flexibility.  I like to think or define the practice of yoga as a meditation in movement.

Here's a fun one to try... the Five Tibetan Rites.

I first heard of the Five Tibetan Rites from my friend and fitness guru, Larisa Simpson of EuroFit LLC, who not only helped me to lose weight, but has also taught me, among other things, to love and honor my body.  If you have yet to discover the Five Tibetan Rites, it’s a beautiful routine to add to your yoga practice. 

The Five Tibetan Rites, aka the Five Rites, are a form of yoga practiced by Tibetan monks for centuries for healing, rejuvenation, and longevity.  The monks who practiced the Five Rites reportedly lived long and vibrant lives.  Unlike the traditional yoga practice of India, the Five Rites emphasize “a continuous sequence of movement” rather than “static positions”.

The Five Rites are said to balance the seven energy Chakras centers to promote a free flow of prana (chi energy) revitalizing mind, body and spirit.  A daily practice of the Five Rites can increase energy and vitality, restore emotional and mental clarity, help one sleep more soundly, increase strength and flexibility, balance hormonal levels, assist the body in detoxification and weight management, and enhance a sense of harmony and well being.

September 13, 2012


Looking for an extra dose of minerals to season your favorite foods?  This quick and easy recipe takes only a few minutes to make. 

Simply grind up some dry kelp and dulse (equal parts) using a small coffee grinder, and double the volume with added Himalayan crystal salt.  Grind everything down to a fine powder and use as an alternative to table salt. 

Caution:  Start with a pinch! Seaweed has a distinct flavor that can easily overpower any dish.

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